July 8th will be our first annual Margaritaville party. Rain date will be July 15th. Party starts at 4pm.
We will have lots of tropical decor and some fun games for the kids and adults. Please wear your Hawaiian skirts and shirts if you have them. Leis will be given out upon arrival. We will have Margaritas available at the tiki bar and lots of tropical themed appetizers to share.
Please sign up for something to bring here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b49a9ae29a4f94-margaritaville/54644782
We already have access to one Frozen Drink Machine (thank you Betzy!) but if you have another one to lend, we would greatly appreciate it.
I need to recruit a few volunteers to help set up so if you're available to help with decorations or have ideas to share, please email me at elisa.peters@outlook.com.